In order to prevent a website from caching your css/js/whatever you can add a variable to the call and update it when you release new code.
Here’s an example of a quick way to update all of the calls via command line in any particular directory:
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/master.min.css?v=1.1.1/master.min.css?v=1.1.2/g' {} \;
To recursively update the permissions on directories in the uploads directory in WordPress from the wp-contents directory run:
find uploads/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +
I find myself copying production databases over stage databases often. In WordPress the uploads directory needs to be copied as well, but I don’t want to copy old stuff over.
From production /wp-content/
cp -Rup uploads/* /websites/
ln -s public_html_master public_tmp && mv -Tf public_tmp public_html
'Word document' and 'website' don't really go together…